LikaOne introduction

LikaOne introduction


Hi everybody!

This is an introduction about the features and opportunities for LikaOne. We will take you through it here with our step-by-step guide, here.

For owners

First of all, start a bot (link:

Just run a bot and press /project

To create a project press "Create" and type in it's name:

You just created your first project, congratulations!

Then go to "Projects" and you will see all your projects as buttons. Home emoji (🏠) means you're owner of a project, emoji of information sign (ℹ️) — you're a guest:

Projects as buttons

Choose the project you just created and the tools will be available, just click it. 

All current manage tools

Invite teammates to your project with "Invite link" button. Just press it and forward the following message to your co-worker:

Press a "Forward" button and choose a recipient in your contacts list

When you invite people, you can see them on the "Team" page:

Press to nickname of user to get a direct conversation with him

For your team you may set automatic question for daily plans. To get it press "Set Timer" and input time:

Now all your teammates will get a regular notification, all of their answers bot saves

By default notifications is on, but you can turn them off, click "Disable Notifications" and the button will change:

Press to "Enable notifications" to turn it back. I'm going to do it right now because there're no holidays for those guys, sorry 🤷‍♂️

To get a report of tasks click "Get Report" and bot will send you a .csv file:

It's a popular format, so it's not a problem to open it

Open a .csv report with Excel or a different program (by the way, most of phones may open it too):

Looks good!

Also, you can add a LikaOne to any chat and get a direct link to it straight away from a bot. From the Manage project page click "Project chats" and you'll get a list:

Bot already added to those conversations

To add a new chat click on "Add to chat" and choose necessary chat. After that it appears in list:

Added successfully, now we have a direct link to it right from current project

You can click on any chat and start a conversation:

Now you can move just to web version, but we're working on it

And the last one! Of course you can delete any of your projects, to approve it just put the name of the project:

I'm not going to do it again, but believe, it works

And for the guest

In guest role you can see tasks and leave a project (as my co-workers did. Ok, it's a silly joke 😐). That's all for now:

You may launch your own startup, so just from this wonderful project!

We hope you'll love it!

If you want to leave any feedback or share any ideas you can message us: Gleb (facebook, telegram) or Nikita (facebook, telegram).

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