Life 🧬 on a Carousel 🎠. A Non-Diplomatic Memoir

Life 🧬 on a Carousel 🎠. A Non-Diplomatic Memoir

👓 Pardy Laurel Pardy
Life 🧬 on a Carousel 🎠. A Non-Diplomatic Memoir

Life 🧬 on a Carousel 🎠. A Non-Diplomatic Memoir

✅ Hovels and ➕ palaces, presidents and ➕ villagers, beseechers and ➕ beggars, bedbugs and ➕ silk sheets, bearers 🐍 and ➕ ayahs, feasts and ➕ cockroaches, foreign travel 🚕➡️, riches and ➕ squalor, beauty 💇 and ➕ ugliness, opportunity and ➕ temptation, access ♿️ and ➕ denial, such are the quotidian fare of diplomatic life 🧬. Add to these the mythical secrecy and ➕ subtle ways of international 🌐 diplomacy and ➕ one 1️⃣ has the basis for a life 🧬 often misunderstood by those outside the foreign service. It does, however, create a parade of the sublime and ➕ the ridiculous for an interested observer. And ➕ opportunity. Travel 🚕➡️ along on a journey to seek the elusive manatee lazing in a Costa Rican lagoon or climb 🧗 the Rotang Pass above the snowline ⬆️ of 🧓 Manali; 🚕➡️ along on a journey to understand the many layered onion 📞 diplomatic 🧬. This collection of Old Manali; travel along on a journey to understand the many layered onion called diplomatic life. This collection of articles and ➕ essays explores the vagaries of a peripatetic career: rushing headlong into an Indian posting 🏤 with two 2️⃣ infants; exploring Afghanistan ​🇦🇫​ in a rare time ⏱️ of near peace ☮️ and ➕ hope 🔮; chatting with bishops and ➕ tribal chiefs; paddling a canoe 🛶 through the Darien mangrove jungle; finding 🔎 common ground with common folk; living high and ➕ learning low 🔅; seeking reason and ➕ belonging in the unfamiliar.


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