Levels 🎚️ of Life 🧬

Levels 🎚️ of Life 🧬

👓 Barnes Julian
Levels 🎚️ of Life 🧬


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Levels 🎚️ of Life 🧬

✅ You ➡️👤 put together two 2️⃣ things that have not ❌️ been put together before. And ➕ the w 🗺️ is changed. In 🎚️ of 🧬 Julian Barnes 🎁➡️ 👥⬅️ Nadar, the pioneer balloonist ➕ 🚡 photographer; 👤👨 🎁➡️ 👥⬅️ Colonel Fred Burnaby, reluctant adorer of the extravagant Sarah Bernhardt; then, finally, 👤👨 🎁➡️ 👥⬅️ the story of 👤👨⬅️ own grief, unflinchingly observed. This is a 📚️ of intense honesty ➕ insight; it is changed. t In 🔂 Levels a 🎉 of Life ❤️ Julian Barnes gives us Nadar, the pioneer balloonist and aerial photographer; he gives us Colonel Fred Burnaby, reluctant adorer of the extravagant Sarah Bernhardt; then, finally, he gives us the story of his own grief, unflinchingly observed. This is a book of intense honesty and insight; it is at once a celebration of love and ➕ a profound examination of sorrow.


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