Level01 - peer to peer(P2P) Derivative exchange

Level01 - peer to peer(P2P) Derivative exchange


Level01 level01.io Introduction 

Level 01 Technologies dispatch the Level01 level01.io Derivatives Exchange, a blockchain stage all types of computerized exchanging like budgetary exchanging forex, stocks, wares and digital currencies. This stage enables speculators to exchange choices contracts specifically with each other, without requiring a middle person or specialist. 

With such a framework joining savvy gets that fill in as a fair-minded, mechanized and confided in go-between for exchange and exchange settlements then this is a genuine blockchain idea acknowledged to actualize a decent confided in subordinates trade. This sidesteps the dependence on financier stages with human frailty that could prompt unreliability, plot and even extortion. Level01 utilizes the dependable data from Thomson Reuters as the world's driving wellspring of news and data for proficient markets. 

The stage encourages productive working of a market and value revelation through exclusive created smart calculations that powerfully enhance after some time through machine learning. This helps retail clients with exchange coordinating, effective value disclosure and reasonable esteem investigation when directing their exchanges. 

Examining its Functions and Leverage 

Exchange with peer trade (P2P) includes the support of two gatherings that communicate with each other in directing business exchanges. Since outsiders don't take an interest, there might be a condition of rebelliousness with the commitments by either party in a business exchange. 

Exchanging through mediators is successful, however it furnishes speculators and their assets with different kinds of dangers, for example, over the top exchange costs, suspended withdrawals, advertise control, business go-betweens or customers against metabolic assaults. 

Level01 utilizes contracts and keen innovation to square programmed installment of p2p exchanges, resolve trust issues and not satisfy errands, enabling financial specialists to keep away from the negative parts of unified operators. 


The portable/web application Level01 enables financial specialists to cooperate specifically with each other for exchanging. 

Speculators pick the classification of advantages in which they are intrigued, for instance, Forex or Crypto-money; 

Business speculators through the issuance of choice contracts in the market utilizing the accompanying parameters: 




Add up to VALUE

Most recent Market issues 

Particularly so among the littler, less known substances and one reason there have been more stringent administrative activities on the industry.The Broker exchanging stages have been assaulted with trust issues. 

There are hazy areas that may not be secured by directions which are abused, along these lines making question among financial specialists. Regardless of the way that the web has encouraged simplicity of trades,Such circumstances are seen when the objective is primary concern and not customers' fulfillment. Issues, for example, late execution of exchanges cause financial specialists misfortunes, while the certainty they have for the trade is shaken, yet this isn't an extraordinary event. There likewise have been accounted for instances of blunder of customers' assets or false utilization of these assets. 

Deferrals in handling of assets and acquaintance of concealed accuses of the brokers and clients of the trades are different difficulties the business has confronted 

Level01 Provides a Solution 

The manner in which that the circulated record innovation can be utilized to fabricate keen gets that are self-executing, straightforward and can be trusted by all gatherings included is the favorable position that Level01 has taken. These properties are what the undertaking influences to dispose of the issues of human questionability and the doubt it made in brought together trades. 

Since the shrewd contract is self-executing, it computerizes exchanges on the Level01 stage, empowering the deferrals in exchanges and finances withdrawal to be discarded. The effectiveness made by blockchain lessens squander. This has the impact of diminishing expense of exchange and charges amid execution of exchanges. 

Exploiting machine taking in, the task has made an easy to use distributed subsidiary trade that rates elements in light of history and demonstrated insights. The uprightness of the framework is flawless due to the carefully designed property of blockchain. 

Application for everybody for exchange 

The Level01 App enables financial specialists to exchange free subordinates from numerous advantages, running from Forex, Cryptocurrency, Commodities, Stocks and Indexes, boundless speculator openings. 

Live great ticks with tick information are communicated and shown in an altogether enlightening intelligent outline; with numerous investigation devices and graphs for further developed clients. This application has an elite UI that makes it basic and effective to distributed exchanging with different financial specialists on Level01 Exchange. Applications are coordinated with Ethereum blockchain, enabling financial specialists to finance contracts and exchange exchanges while keeping up full control over their wallet resources


MIN RAISE: USD $ 15,000,000 / MAX RAISE: USD $ 75,000,000

Unsold Token at End of Sale Token Destroyed

Token LVX is Supply and Can not Be Made / Mined










LAW – 06%


For more information, visit websites below:

Website: https://level01.io/

White Paper: https://level01.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/level01_whitepaper_final1-2.pdf

Telegram : https://t.me/level01ico

Twitter : https://twitter.com/level01io

Facebook: https://fb.me/level01platform

Authorship - ikpirijor7

BTT profile link - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1839483

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