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Since our inception, Johnson Legal PC has been committed to providing our clients with the highest level of personal, hands-on attention to their legal needs. We take a proactive approach in representing our clients. We take the time to get to know our clients. The better we know them, the better we can anticipate their needs and potential legal issues before they arise. Our business clients are diverse, and include organizations of all sizes in various industries with national and international interests, such as banks, governmental entities, real estate developers, public and private institutions, biotech companies, manufacturers, health care providers and facilities, as well as individuals and families. Our clients tell us they choose Johnson Legal PC because an experienced attorney is both effective and efficient. Creative solutions and growth strategies come from experienced attorneys well-versed in handling the most complex legal and business problems. Our consumer clients are diverse as well. They face many issues across many disciplines of law. Our consumer clients are provided the same experience and subject matter knowledge that our business clients have come to expect. Our consumer clients clients tell us they choose Johnson Legal PC because of our experience and our ability to provide effective and efficient legal services to consumers at a valued price point. Johnson Legal PC is proud of our history, but we are focused on being at the cutting edge of legal innovation. At Johnson Legal PC, client relationships are our practice.

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