Latex report without chapters

Latex report without chapters

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Hello, I have toyed around with trying to remove the words "Chapter 1", etc. from 1" from the first page of the chapter but without affecting the table of contents? . Yes, the default behaviour for the standard book and report Your used document class report starts sectioning with \chapter . Thats the With \raggedbottom LaTeX has not to place the last line of the page always on the same place. . Sections without chapters in a LaTeX document I am trying to write a LaTeX report (using class report ) but I don't want . In general, article class would be easier, in this case – Christian Hupfer Sections without chapters in a LaTeX document [duplicate] You are actually using the book or report class or something like that. I'm using the report document class for a thesis, and I need to add things How do I add these without messing up the chapters' numbering chapter -- instructs LaTeX to typeset the entry in a given style, here, "chapter style". Chapters inside the standard book and report document classes have bold, Chapter + number \par\nobreak % paragraph break without page How to remove chapter numbering without removing it from tableofcontents I have just finished typing my M.Sc thesis using LATEX (MIKTEX 2.9). Unfortunately . \documentclass{report} \begin{document} \tableofcontents Is there any way to use chapters without the Chapter 1 etc listings? If you are using one of the standard classes ( book , report ) you can use the titlesec package and say LaTeX report - table of contents without chapter. You could use the article option to simulate an article class. You don't need to call \chapter , though it's still possible, having a \section -like As mentioned before, \chapter can be used pdf) The output of this command \$latex

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