Lake Placid Full Movie Hindi Download

Lake Placid Full Movie Hindi Download


Lake Placid Full Movie Hindi Download

Three people attempt to stop a gigantic crocodile, who is terrorizing residents in Black Lake, Maine.
Lake Placid - Well it would be, but; "somebody said that name was taken." At least according to the local Sheriff. When a man is eaten alive by an unknown creature, the local Game Warden (Pullman) teams up with a paleontologist (Fonda) from New York to find the beast. Add to the mix an eccentric philanthropist with a penchant for "Crocs" (Platt), and here we go! This quiet, remote lake is suddenly the focus of an intense search for a crocodile with a taste for live animals...and people!
'Lake Placid' is among the many underrated monster movies. Examples of these include 'Deep Blue Sea' and 'Blood Surf'.For a monster movie, 'Lake Placid' is actually a pretty good movie with some good special effects and even some humor.Bill Pullman, Bridget Fonda, and Oliver Platt are the main characters in this movie, and they all did a wonderful job as a cop, paleontologist, and a crocodile hunter.However, there is a downside to this movie.What the movie needed was more kills.Only 2 characters in the movie were killed by the crocodile.If there was a few more, the movie could've been a little better.At least the 2 people died in a gory fashion.Add in a surprise performance by Betty White from 'Golden Girls' and you have a monster movie that makes a great treat.You'll be laughing at it's sense of humor, screaming at the scares the crocodile delivers, and clapping at how much you were entertained.
The only reason I saw this movie at all was to take my 15-year-old brother to see it since it was his birthday. And since it was rated R, I had to be there with him. I love Bill Pullman, but he didn't have much to do here. The dialogue was corny, laughable, and stupid. The characters were so unlikeable and obnoxious, I was rooting for the crocodile to kill off all the characters. And Betty White, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for all the foul language you had to spew in this film. Did you really need the money THAT badly? The only redeeming quality this film had was it was only 80 minutes long!
A "croc" of nonsense.

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