LINK Zenobia: Birth of a Legend by Russ Wallace (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

LINK Zenobia: Birth of a Legend by Russ Wallace (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

LINK Zenobia: Birth of a Legend by Russ Wallace (Goodreads Author) bookstore book flibusta information library

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Book description
Young Zenobia dreams of becoming a warrior, a serious problem for a girl born into a male-dominated desert tribe. She has been forced to hide her gender to preserve her life. Her deception is unmasked, leading to an incredible turn of events. Her wise mother envisions a different life for her daughter – that of a scholar – and takes her to Egypt for an education. Here a conflict of desires surges in Zenobia, for she finds that she loves both paths. As she feeds an emerging hunger for justice, the stirrings of a future political and strategic genius begin to manifest themselves. Growing into young womanhood, Zenobia feels an awakening attraction to two very different males – a vibrant young warrior from her own tribe and a brilliant bachelor scholar whose analytical mind cannot help from feeling romantically drawn to the most intriguing female he has ever met. Meanwhile, Zenobia learns of the annual horse race in Alexandria. She decides to enter her powerful mare against the highly-bred stallions of the East. The power of a legend influences the surprising course of the contest to its thundering conclusion.
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