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LINK You Dont Have to Fuck People Over to Survive by Seth Tobocman online read value how read torrent

LINK You Dont Have to Fuck People Over to Survive by Seth Tobocman online read value how read torrent

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Book description
This collection of Tobocman’s work is truly amazing. I will recommend this to everyone I know. The fragments and stories selected for this book offer an opportunity to consider closely the rhetorical effects of images combined with various samples of print-texts. I think Tobocman’s collage and collaboration with different textual media here is inseparable from the messages he’s trying to convey. I love the emotion that threads the line-drawings, and the newspaper print incorporated into sketched bodies. I learned a lot of details about political events and conflicts that I had less familiarity with like the demolition of MOVE houses and the 1969 Inner City Riots. Some details are surprising—like Mumia’s writing to QUISP (Queers United in Support of Political Prisoners) where he states: “as a MOVE person, we see hetero-hook-ups as natural and inherently right” (this quote appears on the final pages of the book that are not numbered). I had no idea this comment was made, and it opens up questions of how QUISP organizers responded (though the book seems to indicate that they continued their support it’s a bit ambiguous). I’m curious to know what kinds of discussions followed Mumia’s comment, and how/if dialogues about Queer rights were opened up.In any case, this book (very successfully) complicates and connects a variety of socio-political events, issues, conflicts, resistances etc. that are often recounted as separate stories, and over-simplified in this process. It seems as though Tobocman shares the view that oppressions are inseparable—that we can’t really think/talk about racism without simultaneously thinking/talking about sexism, homophobia, reproductive rights, police brutality, housing inequity, law-making…This is also an interesting version and example of research writing. Although there are quotes and credits given to various collaborators, I might have liked further information about things like the above quote from Mumia’s writing so that I could research the event and/or issue on my own. (I will try to do this anyway.) Two fragments that left a huge impression on me were the following: “New wave stuff just wants to be mainstream. […] An aspect of the fashion industry” (64); “If you do that, I will too. [repeated in computer-screen type with images] so let’s not” (92).
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