LINK Yellow: Omnibus Edition, Volume 01 by Makoto Tateno audio page amazon online spanish

LINK Yellow: Omnibus Edition, Volume 01 by Makoto Tateno audio page amazon online spanish

LINK Yellow: Omnibus Edition, Volume 01 by Makoto Tateno audio page amazon online spanish

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Book description
Yellow was one of the first yaoi I picked up from manga-ka Makoto Tateno and it wasnt the last. Her artwork is amazing and her story about two drug snatchers was fast-paced, fun and uber-sexy.Taki and Goh are partners in the snatcher business. They go undercover to snatch drugs from dealers then hand the evidence over to the police. Its the shady side of the law they work on and both men are good at the job. Theres only one little problem: Taki, the lithe blonde, is straight. His partner, the dark-haired Goh, is gay and up until meeting Taki made it a point to never get involved with his partners. Of course, the growing attraction between them becomes harder and harder to deny, and Tateno teases with scenes of Goh playfully yet fervently tries to seduce Taki with often comical results.What I like best about Tatenos bishonen males is that, while pretty (and they are), she doesnt stereotypically feminize them. Taki and Goh are sexy and tough and theres a sense of deep connection between them since both had rather unusual childhoods. I owned all four volumes, but after purchasing both omnibus editions, gave them to my significant others sister (and they are in excellent hands). Volume One includes 12 amazing color plates, character profiles and a bonus story.
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