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LINK Writing the Revolution by Michele Landsberg access review bookshop itunes free

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Book description

Book description
On the Front Lines of the Womens Movement When Michele Landsbergs first column for the Toronto Star hit newsstands in May 1978 it was the first time a feminist interpretation of the news had made it into daily circulation in a Canadian newspaper. While not sure initially if she wanted to be the Stars woman columnist, Michele tried to use her column as a voice for those who had none. The hundreds of letters that poured in - both those in support of what she was writing and those outraged by it - let her know that what she was doing not only mattered, it was badly needed. ? For twenty-five years, Michele Landsberg chronicled the lives of women, their struggles and their achievements. She became an activist in support of womens rights, childcare programs, education reform, rape crisis centres, womens work and health, and many more hotly debated issues. Her columns were a force for social and legal change - women turned to her because they knew that they could count on her to tell the real story. ? In Writing the Revolution Michele takes the best of those 3000 columns and uses them to reflect on the past, present, and future of womens lives in Canada. While recognizing the success of the womens movement, she knows the fight is not over. A feminist hero and an unflinching activist, Michele is an inspiration to the women who read her column, and to a passionate new generation of women who are fighting to see that the revolution continues.
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