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Book description
Wisdom of the Dolphins is an astounding and inspiring real-life story into the nature of the holographic universe, dolphins and humanity. A vista of possibilities opens as Ilona Selke takes us through the doorway of the imagination into creating time-shifts and global healing events. She demonstrates how our imagination makes miracles happen and how we can move through emotional and mental blockages to manifest our hopes and dreams daily with ease. Not only does this inspiring story bring hope to humanity, but it also teaches practical steps to access the holographic universe and make changes in the external reality. This book is a unique quantum adventure into the lives of dolphins, telepathy and miracles. It uplifts and inspires the reader to live a fulfilled life. It has been on the market internationally since 1996. The power of the mind, telepathy, and the expansive world of the dolphins is revealed in an easy to understand, exciting real life adventure that will keep you inspired and entertained.
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