LINK When a Good Man Goes Bad by Darine Davis (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

LINK When a Good Man Goes Bad by Darine Davis (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

LINK When a Good Man Goes Bad by Darine Davis (Goodreads Author) download book free epub

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Book description
Claiming Houston as home, Darine Davis has been in Houston for over 10 yrs. After getting out of the Navy in 1993, he took to his passion of writing short stories while working at Chase in their IT dept. After he received tremendous praise from co-workers on his writing, he decided to further pursue his God given talent. With a vivid imagination, country style humor and a extreme sense of observation, Darine Davis has become a versatile author who writes from the heart about things that affect everyday people in everyday situations. His humor is matched by his ability to drive home a message thats understood by all races, genders, social background, and age groups. His sole purpose of writing is to relay a message from the soul to the world. Quote-I feel that if I inspired one person out of a multitude of people...then I have done my job!
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