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LINK Victorian And Edwardian Ghost Stories by Richard Dalby (Editor) pdf online free

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Book description
During the nineteenth century, ghost stories gained tremendous popularity in both Britain and the United States. Macabre and supernatural tales became a fashionable and much anticipated component of popular magazines. Writers such as Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu and Bram Stoker specialized in this genre, and successful novelists such as Charles Dickens and Harriet Beecher Stowe put aside their longer works to spin haunting short stories. Victorian & Edwardian Ghost Stories presents over forty deliciously ceric tales, from Le Fanus Schalken the Painter to Henry Jamess The Romance of Certain Old Clothes to Edith Nesbits The Shadow. (Nesbit was only one of many women who were consummate practitioners of the form; several are represented here.) The most avid enthusiast of ghostly fiction is likely to discover previously unread tales mixed in among old favorites. A brief preface places each story within the context of the authors writings. Perfect bedtime reading, these classic short stories will suspend your disbelief long enough to startle your imagination and chill you to the core.
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