LINK Trust Me by K.C. Wells (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

LINK Trust Me by K.C. Wells (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

LINK Trust Me by K.C. Wells (Goodreads Author) amazon free ebook touch francais

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Book description
Ric Costanza and Connor Ferguson grew up together, friends all the way through high school – until Ric pushed Connor away when they were both sixteen. Self-preservation is a very strong force indeed. Connor had his own theory as to why it happened…When they meet up eight years later, a lot of water has passed under the bridge. Ric is about to enter the priesthood and Connor is engaged to Keira. Except all is not as it seems. Ric is a mess, and Connor wants to help.What starts out as a simple offer to provide a shoulder for a former best friend becomes more than both men bargained for.
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