LINK Traitor by Claire Farrell (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

LINK Traitor by Claire Farrell (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

LINK Traitor by Claire Farrell (Goodreads Author) book ios full version full pdf

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Book description
The final book in the Ava Delaney series.When Ava first saved Carl from a vampire, she had no idea what would happen next. Thrust into a world of magic, secrets, and betrayal, she’s barely managed to survive. All of the choices she’s made have led her deeper into trouble, and now, a year later, it’s time to grab some control again.Her enemies are making allies while Ava’s struggling to keep her friends. But even as the larger battles are fought, there’s another enemy creeping underneath, ready to plant distractions and take advantage of the aftermath.The dark days are coming, quicker than expected. It’s time for Ava to prove herself for the last time, but her final deal will prove the most costly.
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