LINK Threes a Crowd by Dianne Blacklock (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

LINK Threes a Crowd by Dianne Blacklock (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

LINK Threes a Crowd by Dianne Blacklock (Goodreads Author) read mobi on iphone

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Book description
Well, were different, we lead such different lives. Im not sure how well go now without Annie. She was like Carrie, you know, in Sex and the City. Annie was our Carrie.Without Annie, friends Catherine, Lexie and Rachel are lost. What will things be like now? How will they fill the void? Will their friendship survive? These questions are soon overshadowed by the complexities of their own lives. Catherine is excelling in her high-flying career but struggling in her relationships, especially with her unfathomable teenage daughter. Lexie is juggling the demands of her young family and the ego of her hardworking husband, while taking the first steps to achieving her own dreams. And finally Rachel, the one who cant seem to settle down, is experiencing the heady euphoria of a new relationship. But when the truth comes out about who she has fallen in love with, fragile friendships will be put to the test all over again...
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