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Book description
It was difficult to believe that Alonzo Wax was dead. A collector extraordinaire, books, papers, antiquities, he was also a tornado of a personality, and seemed rather an unlikely suicide. His friend, Elizabethan scholar Henry Cavendish, is surprised to learn that he has been named executor of Alonzo’s estate. Soon after, the sinister Mr. Styles seeks him out, eager to retrieve from Alonzo’s estate a document that he claims Alonzo stole (think Sydney Greenstreet) from him. The large gentleman accompanying Styles gives his request increased urgency, and the money Styles offers makes this an offer the cash-challenged Henry cautiously welcomes. The sought-after document was a letter from Raleigh to his friend Thomas Herriot. When Alonzo’s assistant is found dead and a large collection of books is missing from a temperature controlled vault, the game is afoot. What is this document, and why is it so heartily pursued? Who is Styles and what is he capable of?The “School of Night” of the title refers to a group of late 16th and early 17th century intellectuals, giants of their time, both scientifically and literarily inclined. The group included Sir Walter Raleigh, Christopher Marlowe, George Chapman, and Thomas Herriot, among others. And how could anyone use an Elizabethan setting and not include at least a little William Shakespeare? Alonzo had sought to create a modern version when he and Henry were students.The story alternates settings between 2009 and 1603, counterpointing Henry’s relationship with co-seeker Clarissa Dale and Herriot’s relationship with his employee, Margaret Crookenshanks. Bayard also mirrors the friendships of Raleigh-Herriot and Alonzo-Henry. Structurally, this works pretty well. There is plenty of informational payload in The School of Night, a look into life in the early 17th century, a bit of scientific research, a bit of plague, some politics. The action is fast-paced and engaging. There is enough to care about in Henry’s character, and maybe more in the characters of the 17th century figures. Danger and a sense of adventure abound and keep the action moving, both physically and intellectually. (view spoiler)[Will the characters figure out the code embedded in the document? Will they locate that to which it points? (hide spoiler)]
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