LINK The Rose Domino by Sheila Walsh read italian buy touch direct link

LINK The Rose Domino by Sheila Walsh read italian buy touch direct link

LINK The Rose Domino by Sheila Walsh read italian buy touch direct link

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Book description
AN ARISTOCRATIC ENTANGLEMENTWith the voice of a songbird and a beauty unrivaled in Regency England, Marissa was the singing sensation of the season. But though all the dandies were dangling after her, adoring young Lord Perry Marlowe was determined to best his rivals for the lady’s affections by offering Marissa the honor and security of marriage. Yet charming as Perry was, Marissa had no intention of becoming his wife. In fact, she was wondering how to extricate herself from what was becoming an uncomfortable situation when Gervase Maxwell arrived in London.A friend of Perry’s family, handsome, worldly-wise Gervase set out to rescue Lord Marlowe from his folly by adding Marissa to his own long list of conquests. But the arrogantly confident Gervase was soon to find that in Marissa he had met the challenge of a lifetime….
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