LINK The Pursuit of the Holy: A Divine Invitation by Simon Ponsonby amazon italian book portable writer

LINK The Pursuit of the Holy: A Divine Invitation by Simon Ponsonby amazon italian book portable writer

LINK The Pursuit of the Holy: A Divine Invitation by Simon Ponsonby amazon italian book portable writer

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Book description
“Be holy as I am holy,” says the Lord. It’s the most extravagant—and audacious—invitation ever sent: Or in the words of Jesus: “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” But can that really happen? Is holiness an achievable goal for sinful human beings? That’s the ultimate focus of this thoughtful, thorough, and engaging study of what it means to be holy. Drawing on the Bible and Christian thinkers through the ages, Simon Ponsonby affirms that because of God’s gracious love and desire for communion with us, he has done what is possible for us not only to pursue holiness, but to achieve it. While we can never count on attaining moral perfection in this life, we need not settle for less than increasing victory over sin. And as more and more Christians choose to partner with God in the ongoing process of sanctification, we set the stage for revival.  
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