LINK The Pirates Mixed-Up Voyage by Margaret Mahy eng original free access value

LINK The Pirates Mixed-Up Voyage by Margaret Mahy eng original free access value

LINK The Pirates Mixed-Up Voyage by Margaret Mahy eng original free access value

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Book description
My little guy and I really enjoyed this whimsical tale of tea shop pirates who set off on a grand adventure and get much more than they bargained for. Also, if you are a fan of clever alliteration, this book abounds with it, making for a lively and entertaining read-aloud experience. Quotable Quotes:They continued doggedly with their reading lessons, for in times of stress a good book is often all the comfort you can reasonably expect to find.You love me? the captain could hardly believe his ears, and Toad was actually seen to shake his out in sheer disbelief. But how can it be? I am a pirate, a proud, unprincipled profligate, peppered with imperfections - possibly penitent but probably past praying for, and you are a detective inspector devoted to duty and decency, deferring to dignity and degree. How can we dare to hope for happiness together?
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