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Lord Stone Chance absolutely forbids his headstrong younger sister to sail off to Jamaica to marry some fortune hunter hes never even met. His word is final but Georgy doesnt seem to accept that. Shes determined to have her own way. Miss Anjalie Cantrell is in London to visit her estranged maternal relatives. Since Anjalie is an heiress to her fathers Jamaican plantations, everyone assumes shes in London to buy a title. It wont be so easy because her father was an orphaned nobody from nowhere turned sailor. He smells of the shop. Anjalie is proud of her father and his humble origins. She cant stand the way these idle, effete British gentlemen spend their days doing nothing, wasting money and running up bills. If she had her way, shed put them all to work. She feels distant from the English and never misses a chance to tell them what she thinks. When Georgiana forces an acquaintance with Anjalie, Chance is angry. Hes upset because Miss Cantrell is filling his sisters head with romantic notions of Jamaica. When he tells her so, she informs HIM that HE should go to Jamaica, that it would do him good. Lord Chance can not believe the nerve of this girl who doesnt care one wit for his birth or title. Hes used to being toadeaten and has avoided marriage but when he does marry, it certainly wont be to a wild hoyden. Then why does he seem to sometimes actually like Anjalie Cantrell? When circumstances force Anjalie and Stone together in an adventure beyond his wildest imaginings, he begins the charm in Jamaica and just maybe Anjalie was right. She begins to see a new side of Lord Chance that makes her reevaluate her opinion of him. This story is a reworking of Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew and The Tempest with Jane Austens Mr. Darcy as the hero. The first 2/3 of the book are very slow moving. Not much happens except a lot of arguing back and forth. The last 1/3 of the book is very good and I couldnt put it down. The descriptions in that part of the book are excellent and I really felt pulled into the novel and a part of the action. Theres about as much romance as there is in North and South (the novel) or perhaps even less. Its obvious that Anjalie and Stone are Lizzie and Darcy but they never really get their relationship to the point where I wanted to root for them to be together.Anjalie is a very modern woman. Anjalie described as being mannish a lot or more like a man than a woman. I would think she would not be accepted in society if that were the case. I felt like the author made Anjalie her mouth piece for criticizing Regency society. Yes there was a lot wrong with that time but 200 years from now people will have a lot to say about modern life and I read the books for escapism and fun. If you like Pride and Prejudice and North and South, you might like this one.
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