LINK The Knitting Palette: 27 Stunning Colour Inspired Designs by Kristin Nicholas ios tom acquire free audio

LINK The Knitting Palette: 27 Stunning Colour Inspired Designs by Kristin Nicholas ios tom acquire free audio

LINK The Knitting Palette: 27 Stunning Colour Inspired Designs by Kristin Nicholas ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
KRISTIN NICHOLAS is a knitwear and stitchery designer who lives in western Massachusetts on a working sheep farm with her husband and daughter and 400 sheep, three border collies, two great pyrenees guard dogs, ten cats, thirty chickens, one guard donkey, and one guard llama. Kristin learned to knit and sew when she was nine years old. Following her passion for creating, she received a BS from University of Delaware and MS from Colorado State University in Textiles and Clothing. She has worked in the American needlework industry for over 25 years as a creative director and a stitchery and knitwear designer. She is the author of 8 books including Color By Kristin, Kristin Knits, Colorful Stitchery, Kids Embroidery, Knitting for Baby, and more. Her specialty is working with color and she is known as a color expert within the needlework industry. She has her own line of yarn named “Julia”, after her daughter, which is distributed throughout North America by Nashua Handknits (a Division of Westminster Fibers). She has been also been featured as a knitting expert on PBSs Knit and Crochet Now for the three seasons.Kristins home and work have been featured in Country Home, Country Living, Vogue Knitting, Interweave Knits, Knitters Magazine, and many other national publications.
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