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LINK The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore by Joan Lowery Nixon online how to eng without registering eReader

LINK The Kidnapping of Christina Lattimore by Joan Lowery Nixon online how to eng without registering eReader

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Book description

Book description
I picked up this book because it had an award on the front. Saying that: I figured out what was going to happen about 1/4 of the way through the book- and then after 1/2 the way through I kept skipping ahead- so I just stopped reading it. I think the reason I couldnt quite get through it is because the author is a 70 something year old woman who is trying to sound like a teenager- she just doesnt capture the emotions, immaturity, insecurities, cares and vernacular of an actual teenager. She tries, but it just ends up sounding like an old woman pretending to be a teenager (not that I have anything against older writers- they are often more wise- but I just didnt like this one). The whole thing just didnt work for me. Plus, the author uses the word giggle too much. I just dont like that word.
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