LINK The Greek Billionaires Innocent Princess by Chantelle Shaw direct link download german android price

LINK The Greek Billionaires Innocent Princess by Chantelle Shaw direct link download german android price

LINK The Greek Billionaires Innocent Princess by Chantelle Shaw direct link download german android price

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Book description
Plain, plump Kitty Karedes is the forgotten princess--until she has to host the palace ball. Kitty plans everything perfectly, but doesnt have time to buy herself a showstopping dress!At the ball, Greek tycoon Nikos Angelaki mistakes homely Kitty for a waitress. She flees, her confidence in tatters but her identity still a secret. When Nikos espies her again, shes swimming naked in the moonlight--her frumpy clothes were hiding luscious curves! But next morning Nik discovers hes seduced a princess...and made her pregnant with his baby!
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