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Book description
With everything from advice on tools to the most beautiful designer layouts ever, this covers-it-all encyclopedia will be a must-have for the hundreds and thousands of scrapbooking fans. Every technique, every major designer, every scrapbook possibility, described in glossary style, complete with photos and tips--thats what this A-to-Z encyclopedia contains, and thats why no scrapbooker can do without it. Exciting page layouts throughout, with how-to instructions, offer inspiration, while dozens of projects come from the most creative minds in the field including Andrea Grossman (Mrs. Grossmans Paper Company); Rhonda Anderson (Creative Memories); Bridgette Server (Making Memories); and Dee Gruenig. Eye-opening studio set shots present decorations and accessories, while charts, graphs, and blocked sections supply necessary information. A reference lists all the companies shown in the volume, with internet addresses and 800 numbers. Dr. Susannah Tucker, a professor from Tulane University, has provided an introduction and a timeline of scrapbooking since its inception to 1987.
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