LINK The Einstein of Money: The Life and Timeless Financial Wisdom of Benjamin Graham by Joe Carlen book epub online

LINK The Einstein of Money: The Life and Timeless Financial Wisdom of Benjamin Graham by Joe Carlen book epub online

LINK The Einstein of Money: The Life and Timeless Financial Wisdom of Benjamin Graham by Joe Carlen book epub online

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Book description
Warren Buffett—widely considered the most successful investor of all time—has repeatedly acknowledged Benjamin Graham, a man he personally studied and worked under, as the primary influence on his investment approach. Indeed, there is a direct line between the record-shattering investing performance of Buffett (and other value investors) and Graham’s life. In six books and dozens of papers, Graham—known as the Dean of Wall Street—left an extensive account of an investing system that, as Buffett can attest, actually works! This biography of Benjamin Graham, the first written with access to his posthumously published memoirs, explains Graham’s most essential wealth-creation concepts while telling the colorful story of his amazing business career and his multifaceted, unconventional personal life. The author distills the best from Graham’s extensive published works and draws from personal interviews he conducted with Warren Buffett, Charles Brandes, and many other top US and global value investors as well as Graham’s surviving children and friends, weaving Graham’s transformational ideas into the narrative of a momentous life and legacy. Warren Buffett once said, No one ever became poor by reading Graham. By the same token, no one will ever become uninspired by reading Carlen’s lively account of Benjamin Graham’s fascinating life and time-tested techniques for generating wealth.
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