LINK The Dying Kingdom by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks iphone

LINK The Dying Kingdom by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks iphone

LINK The Dying Kingdom by Stephen D. Sullivan (Goodreads Author) fb2 ibooks iphone

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Book description
AN ANCIENT EVILThe kingdom of Arngrim is a cold and mysterious place. Home to the Scarlet Brethren, a sect of powerful wizards, this near-forgotten place may hold the key to restoring Nearras memory. But neither Nearra nor her friends realize the price theyll have to pay.Distracted by the charms of Arngrims heir apparent, Catriona fails to see the danger that lies before them. As Nearras dark visions grow stronger, Davyn struggles to hide the secret that could save her. Soon the companions find theyve blundered into a terrifying plot, and this time Nearra isnt the only one who will have to fight for her life.
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