LINK The Dawn Breakers: Nabils Narrative by Nabil-i-A'zam view spanish free francais itunes

LINK The Dawn Breakers: Nabils Narrative by Nabil-i-A'zam view spanish free francais itunes

LINK The Dawn Breakers: Nabils Narrative by Nabil-i-A'zam view spanish free francais itunes

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Book description
The Dawn Breakers is the most comprehensive and authoritative eyewitness account of the beginnings of the Bahai era. A reprint of the 1932 original, and full of wonderful features, this book is a necessity for any serious scholar of Bahai history. If you desire fullest details, then read this sourcebook on the dramatic events which inaugurated the promised dawn, foretold in all the Sacred Scriptures. Central is the Figure of the Blessed Bab, ...matchless in His meekness, imperturbable in His serenity, magnetic in His utterance..., as it documents the tragic and triumphal events, fueled by a visionary and sacrificial heroism which He alone inspired. Words and events were related first hand, Nabil-i-Azam by many eye-witnesses and participants in this Divinely inspired and short-lived period, which cleaved the clouds of entrenched tradition, and prepared nothing less than the long awaited dawning of the Ancient of Days.
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