LINK The Child Bride by Philippa Wiat read pdf on ipad

LINK The Child Bride by Philippa Wiat read pdf on ipad

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Book description
A coffin discovered on a London building site in 1964 was subsequently found to contain the remains of Anne Mowbray, child bride of Richard Duke of York - the younger of the two princes presumed murdered in the tower.Who was Anne Mowbray? Heiress of the house of Mowbray, the royal line of Norfolk, she died at an early age only three weeks after the last reported sighting of her young bridegroom - and was buried with great pomp in Westminster Abbey. Why then was her coffin found at Stepney on a site of a medieval nunnery, some eleven feet below ground in a sealed vault?The Child Bride is a chilling tale; a novel that raises questions as well as ghosts. But its characters are real enough - privileged children caught up in a web of evil and intrigue.
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