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Or as we call it, “The Poo Book.” If you are expecting a Mary Roach approach, forget it. While there are more than a couple of yucks in George’s book, they provide spice and not substance. This is a sober examination of a crucial public health matter. George offers plenty of supportive stats, without letting them get in the way of telling her story. How do societies in diverse cultures cope with human waste? George looks at methodologies and social standards in the USA, Japan, India, China and beyond. It is clear that there is no single best solution. Rose George from her TED talkBe prepared to learn a lot about how people eliminate. It is very educational and thought provoking, a must read for people with an interest in public health, city planning, international aid, water use, agricultural and energy issues. The Big Necessity is very good public health book that should not go to waste.=============================EXTRA STUFFLinks to the author’s personal and Twitter pagesDefinitely check out Georges TED talk
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