LINK Texas Angel (Zebra Lovegram) by Carol Finch mobi download free

LINK Texas Angel (Zebra Lovegram) by Carol Finch mobi download free

LINK Texas Angel (Zebra Lovegram) by Carol Finch mobi download free

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Book description
SOUTHERN SNAKE When lady rancher Shianne Kimball saw an unconscious man staked out stark naked in the desolate wilderness, she knew it was her duty to rescue him from the blistering sun. The innocent beauty prided herself on her Samaritan generosity as she slowly lotioned the strangers broad chest and tapering waist... but as her ministrations grew bolder, Shianne couldnt help but dream about how it would be to kiss the muscular cowboy. Then she noticed the cowardly sneak was awake -- and enjoying himself! Outraged by his leering gaze and insinuating smirk, she freed only his right arm, swearing shed shoot him dead if the lowdown sidewinder ever got near her again! LONE STAR LIONESS Rugged, virile Wade Burdett murmured his thanks as the soothing salve cooled his flesh, but when he saw his curvaceous nurse was too involved to hear him, he stayed still and silent under her caress. She was so close he could see the rich brown of her eyes, the petal pink of her lips, and the creamy olive of her skin right down her blouse to her soft inviting curves. If he hadnt been bound, the hot-blooded womanizer knew just how thoroughly hed show his appreciation for her help! And even though she ran off scared and angry, Wade vowed hed track her down and find the paradise her touch promised with his sultry TEXAS ANGEL
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