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LINK Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse sale selling read how to itunes

LINK Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse sale selling read how to itunes

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Book description

Book description
Art and story combine powerfully in this lyrical tale of a young man caught in the maelstrom of the civil rights movement and the entrenched homophobia of small-town America. Toland Polk, the son of an uneducated white carpenter, has grown up in the Southern town of Clayfield. It is the 1960s, a time of passionate beliefs and violent emotions, and Clayfields citizens are divided in the fight over segregation. As Toland fights on the side of the civil rights activists, he slowly begins to realize that he also has a more personal battle - to accept that he is gay.With a subtle yet intricate plot, and distinctively evocative illustrations, Stuck Rubber Baby is an unflinching honest look at one mans world of fears, dreams, and prejudice.
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