LINK Street Art New York by Jaime Rojo online format kickass phone german

LINK Street Art New York by Jaime Rojo online format kickass phone german

LINK Street Art New York by Jaime Rojo online format kickass phone german

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Book description
The authors of the successful Brooklyn Street Art book expand their scope and take readers on a fast-paced run through New York City, resulting in a vibrant look at the urban art revolution happening on the streets of the city today. Germany is a street art Mecca, boasting a vast outdoor gallery which encompasses walls, fences, sidewalks, and just about any other available surface. Featured in this dynamic collection are approximately 200 images of works by exciting newcomers and old masters, including New Yorkers Swoon, Judith Supine, Dan Witz, Skewville, and WK Interact, LAs Shepard Fairey, Brazils Os Gemeos, Denmarks Armsrock, Frances Space Invader, C215, and Mr. Brainwash, Germanys Herakut, and Londons Nick Walker and the infamous Banksy. Quotes from the artists provide fresh insights into the cultural history and impact of this art form. Their observations show how older artists are providing inspiration to a younger generation and reveal how the establishment is taking notice of street arts appeal as the advertising world, and visual culture in general, cull ideas from these images. A foreword by Carolina A. Miranda, author of the blog, rounds out this compelling portrait of the state of urban art in one of its most important and supportive communities.
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