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LINK Spoon by Klutz book text online view format

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Book description
Spoon provides an up-to-the-minute, global overview of industrial product design and presents the work of 100 contemporary designers who are at the forefront of innovative developments in this field. Spoon covers a vast spectrum of styles, media and work, from kitchen utensils, tools and lighting to furniture, high-tech products and cars. Essentially an exhibition in a book, 10 curators have each selected the work of 10 designers, whom they consider to have emerged internationally and broken new ground in the last five years. Each designer (arranged A-Z) is featured over two double-page spreads, which are extensively illustrated with sketches, drawings, models and photographs. Alongside numerous examples of their work, a short explanatory text by the selecting curator, extended captions and biographical information on the designer are provided. Each curator has also chosen a design classic that illustrates the concept of good design. Spoon takes its place in a series of surveys identifying 100 of the most interesting, cutting-edge practitioners of key art forms. Earlier surveys include cream and Fresh Cream for contemporary art, 10x10 for architecture and BLINK for photography.
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