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Book description
MY REVIEWThis charming little book about a horse, cat, dog, pig, and duck, taking a boat ride has message hidden within its simple sentences. This message is getting back up once you fall down. In the book, the waves knock all the animals out of the boat and everyone gets wet, however they find each other and head back to shore, only to do it all over again. This is a great book to show children that even though things might not always happen right the first time, you can have fun with the experience of learning how to do something. I think that this book could be used as encouragement for children who are learning to write, or ride a bike, or even learning to read. The diction in the book is very simple and this would be a wonderful beginners book. Since the book is very simple there arent many new vocabulary words for children. However, it does feature the word oars which will likely be new for children. The books illustrations have enough substance to make them enjoyable, but are not too complex as not to draw away from the story. I think that this book would be one that I would keep in my library as it has easy readability and a great message. I think that children would love to hear this story over and over again. LEARNING EXPERIENCE Materials Needed*sponges*Styrofoam (large pieces or cups, bowls, or small plates)*wood scraps*cardboard scraps or small boxes and lids*egg cartons*paper tubes and straws*foil wrap*plastic containers*variety of paper: oaktag, tissue paper, construction paper*child safety scissors*glue and tape*water table or large basin1. The teacher will speak to the children about the book and the boat in the book. The teacher will explain that boats float on the water. 2. The children will be encouraged to build their own boat. The children can use as many materials as the want to make their boats, encourage them to be creative.3. After all the children have created their boats, they will take turns placing them in the basin or water table. 4. The teacher will engage the children in discussion about why some of the boats sank and why some of them floated. 5. Childrens whose boats did not float will be encouraged to make modifications to their boat to try and make it float after the discussion.
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