LINK So Sleepy Story by Uri Shulevitz original free offline view ios

LINK So Sleepy Story by Uri Shulevitz original free offline view ios

LINK So Sleepy Story by Uri Shulevitz original free offline view ios

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Book description
In a sleepy sleepy house everything is so sleepy – until music drifts in through an open window. Chairs begin to rock, dishes begin to dance, and a sleepy boy opens his eyes to the revelry of the once-sleepy house. Then, softly, the music drifts out, and everything is sleepy sleepy once more.With his soothing text and gentle, whimsical illustrations, Uri Shulevitz has created the ultimate sleepy sleepy bedtime story.So Sleepy Story is a 2006 New York Times Book Review Best Illustrated Book of the Year.
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