LINK Silence and Secrets: A Jewish Womans Tale of Escape, Survival and Love in World War II by Yvonne Carson-Cardozo apple portable book pocket writer

LINK Silence and Secrets: A Jewish Womans Tale of Escape, Survival and Love in World War II by Yvonne Carson-Cardozo apple portable book pocket writer

LINK Silence and Secrets: A Jewish Womans Tale of Escape, Survival and Love in World War II by Yvonne Carson-Cardozo apple portable

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Book description
When she suffered the tyranny of silence, of not having a voice, Yvonne ended up keeping horrible secrets. In her courageous memoir, she breaks the chains of silence and reveals an incredible story of evading the Nazis, escaping the threat of annihilation, surviving in strange worlds, and finding love and a new life. This book is a testament to the human spirit. Yvonne Carson-Cardozo was twelve years old when she and her family escaped the German occupation of Belgium. She lost her brother and fifty relatives to the death camps. As a refugee, she traveled to France, Spain, Jamaica, and West Indies. She joined the Dutch Indonesian Army and served in Australia and Indonesia, where she worked in the Netherlands Forces Intelligence Service, deciphering and encoding secret military telegrams. After the war, she eventually settled in the United States, her home for the past fifty-five years. She has two children and lives in California. On Veteran’s Day 2013, Yvonne was honored as Veteran of the Year for the city of Mission Viejo, California.
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