LINK Security Binds Her by Jennifer Bene (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

LINK Security Binds Her by Jennifer Bene (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

LINK Security Binds Her by Jennifer Bene (Goodreads Author) ipad author touch eReader read

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Book description
“I’ll break you down. It may take time, but I will.”“And if I don’t break?”“You will.”Taken from work one night, Thalia is thrust into the violent, controlling world of a man she thought had been the security guard for her building, but she quickly learns that this was only a cover to get to her, to take her. As her old life is erased, the guard pushes Thalia to recognize the darker sides of herself, while Thalia endeavors to hold on to who she is.Trapped alone with her abductor, can Thalia fight to retain her self, or will his small glimpses of kindness cause her to finally submit to him?‘Security Binds Her’ is a brutal journey that leaves readers breathless and waiting to turn the page to find out if Thalia will break, or be lost forever to the darkness around her.**WARNING: This book contains graphic punishments, disturbing situations, scenes of dubious consent, and very strong language. Intended for mature audiences.
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