LINK Season of Salt and Honey by Hannah Tunnicliffe ebay spanish ebook book page

LINK Season of Salt and Honey by Hannah Tunnicliffe ebay spanish ebook book page

LINK Season of Salt and Honey by Hannah Tunnicliffe ebay spanish ebook book page

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Book description
This book starts at a funeral with Francesca (mostly known as Frankie) struggling to deal with the death of her fiancé Alex and the, at times, overpowering ministrations of her Italian-American family. She flees to an abandoned cabin owned by Alex’s family. There she meets the bubbly Merriem, Jack the cottage caretaker and his charming, effervescent daughter Huia. But it is not quite freedom in the cottage for her sister Bella with whom she shares a relationship fraught with anger and resentment, turns up along with several other people at times, some family, some not. I really liked Frankie. Her grief came across as real and I loved Merriem, Jack and Huai. I got the feeling there were something off about Alex but it wasn’t quite what I initially thought.The novel flashes back to the relationship between Frankie and Alex which started when they were teenage sweethearts at school. I have to say I wasn’t sure what she saw in Alex. That aside, I enjoyed this book and the way over time Frankie’s attitudes and responses to certain people and events changes. This is an enjoyable read that I read quickly as it kept me interested throughout. If you are into Italian food several recipes are included as an added bonus.
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