LINK Scars and Stilettos: The Transformation of an Exotic Dancer by Harmony Dust download text story epub sale

LINK Scars and Stilettos: The Transformation of an Exotic Dancer by Harmony Dust download text story epub sale

LINK Scars and Stilettos: The Transformation of an Exotic Dancer by Harmony Dust download text story epub sale

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Book description

Book description
Fear of being abandoned keeps nineteen-year-old Harmony Dust trapped in an abusive and cruel relationship. She thinks she has hit bottom--tens of thousands of dollars in debt, struggling to get by, and so controlled by her boyfriend that she doesnt protest when he begins openly sleeping around. Things cant get worse . . . until someone tells her how much money she can make as an exotic dancer. For the next three years, Harmony lives a double life as Monique, a dancer in a fully-nude strip club.Scars and Stilettos is Harmonys stark, honest, and ultimately hopeful story of how God found her in that dark, noisy place and led her out. She has since married, completed an MA in social welfare, and now leads Treasures, an organization helping women in the sex trade discover their true worth.Harmony wrote her story so that you and your friends may get help out of whatever dark tunnel you find yourself in. I know her heart, and it is to see all of us live our lives in the very purpose for which we were created. I do want to warn you . . . once you start this book, you will not be able to put it down. You will laugh, you will cry, you will be encouraged, you will fall in love with God all over again . . . and you will want to get a copy for every person you know. --Holly Wagner, from the prefaceHarmonys story is compelling evidence of how far the love of God reaches to heal broken lives and restore all that has been stolen. --Nancy Alcorn, Mercy Ministries
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