LINK Sappho And Phaon by Mary Robinson how download online original purchase book

LINK Sappho And Phaon by Mary Robinson how download online original purchase book

LINK Sappho And Phaon by Mary Robinson how download online original purchase book

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Book description
Dear me, I read this nauseating collection of flowery driblets which are *based on* Sapphos fragments, thinking they were Sapphos poems too, that makes two pretenders to Sappho that Ive read, thanks to wholly inadequate descriptions at the iTunes store.Apparently Mary Robinson, nee Darby (1757-1800) was an English poet and novelist and during her lifetime she was known as the English Sappho. Poor Sappho, to be so cruelly debased!Moral: stick to real books publisher by real publishers who describe their contents accurately so that you know what youre getting.
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