LINK Rocking the Ramparts: A Guide to Attacking Chess by Larry Christiansen phone wiki free eReader book

LINK Rocking the Ramparts: A Guide to Attacking Chess by Larry Christiansen phone wiki free eReader book

LINK Rocking the Ramparts: A Guide to Attacking Chess by Larry Christiansen phone wiki free eReader book

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Book description
U.S. chess champion Larry Christiansen provides the principles of middlegame understanding, tactical alertness and counterattacking skills, enabling club players to get more out of their chess by adopting the sharp, aggressive play of present-day grandmasters. Chess enthusiasts will find incisive methods of play that illustrate attacking motives inherent in the structures of different opening systems and their variations. The Sicilian Defense, the Najdorf, Dragon, Taimanov-Paulsen, Sveshnikov, Rauser, Rossolimo, Closed, and Grand Prix are all handled individually, showing the reader how to recognize and exploit typical tactical opportunities. Even the art of swindling is not neglected, and its all richly illustrated with examples from practical play, including the games of amateurs. Players of all levels enjoy and benefit from Christiansens instructive writing and insider information.
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