LINK River Cottage Every Day by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall download book free pdf

LINK River Cottage Every Day by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall download book free pdf

LINK River Cottage Every Day by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall download book free pdf

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Book description
Putting food on the table for the family quickly and economically doesnt mean you have to compromise on quality. This book shows how Hughs approach to food can be adapted to suit any growing, working family, or busy young singles and couples for that matter. Breakfast, baking, lunchboxes, quick suppers, healthy snacks, eating on the move and weekend cooking for the week ahead – all these, and more, will be covered in River Cottage Every Day.As Hugh says:I make no prior assumptions about where you shop, what you may or may not know about growing vegetables or keeping livestock, whether you can tell the difference between a swede and turnip, or know what to do with a belly of pork and a breast of lamb. Instead, Ill show you easy and confidence-inspiring ways with cuts of meat, types of fish and other ingredients you may not have tried before. And Ill offer you new approaches that I hope will breath new life to familiar staples, like rice, spuds, beans, and your daily bread.Above all, I intend to tempt you irresistibly towards a better life with food, with a whole raft of recipes that I think you will love. I hope some of them will become your absolute favourites, and the favourites of your dear friends and beloved family. I hope that the dishes you like best will infiltrate and influence your cooking, giving you increased confidence and fresh ideas. In short, I hope that before long, cooking simple and delicious food from the best seasonal ingredients becomes second nature and first priority for you, not just once in a while, but every day.
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