LINK Rescue and Redeem: Chronicles of the Modern Church by Mindy Withrow (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

LINK Rescue and Redeem: Chronicles of the Modern Church by Mindy Withrow (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

LINK Rescue and Redeem: Chronicles of the Modern Church by Mindy Withrow (Goodreads Author) free writer original german reader

> READ BOOK > The Unknown God: W.T. Smith and the Thelemites

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Book description
The first documentary study of Aleister Crowleys contemporary followers in North America, told through the life of their de facto leader, Wilfred Talbot Smith (1885-1957). Smith (Frater 132), the unacknowledged offspring of a prominent English family, emigrated to Canada where he encountered Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad), and through him, the works of Aleister Crowley (Baphomet and Therion). Although Crowley and Smith met only once, their twenty year correspondence proved to be a major link to the few and the faithful attracted to Crowleys work in the USA and Canada. THE UNKNOWN GOD is a fascinating and complex human story, intimately interwoven with the lives of most of Crowleys American disciples including C F Russell, Jane Wolfe, Max R Schneider, Jack Parsons, Louis T Culling, Frederic Mellinger and Grady L McMurtry as well as occult teachers like H Spencer Lewis (AMORC), Paul Foster Case (BOTA), and Wayne Walker (OM), Hollywood actors such as John Carradine and even the founder of the Mattachine Society, Harry Hay.Students of 19th and 20th century esoteric movements, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society and the Crowleyan Orders, will find THE UNKNOWN GOD worth reading.
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