LINK Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introverts Search for Spiritual Community by Enuma Okoro txt ebay pdf direct link online

LINK Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introverts Search for Spiritual Community by Enuma Okoro txt ebay pdf direct link online

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Book description
If you sometimes feel lost on your spiritual journey, youll find a trustworthy companion in Enuma Okoro, a purse shopping, tea-drinking, colon-cleansing, shaky follower of Jesus who just wants to find a godly man with good hair. But after her fathers unexpected death, her grief seems to morph into the panicky feeling that God wants something more from her, like maybe becoming a nun. As she seeks to unravel those feelings, Enuma Okoro takes us back to the places that formed her, from her first years in church at a parish in Queens, New York, to years in West Africa where she collected crucifixes along with Ritchie Rich comic books, and her studies in Europe and the United States. Part Augustine, part Jane Austen with a side of Anne Lamott, Okoro attempts to reconcile her theological understanding of Gods call to community with her painful and disappointing experiences of community in churches where she often felt unseen, pigeon-holed or out of place. At turns snarky and luminous, laugh-out loud funny and vulnerably poignant, Reluctant Pilgrim is the no-holds barred account of a woman who prays to savor God s goodness and never be satisfied; a daring, insightful and deeply moving field guide for the curious, the confused and the convicted.
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