LINK Rally Cry by William R. Forstchen ipad author touch eReader read

LINK Rally Cry by William R. Forstchen ipad author touch eReader read

LINK Rally Cry by William R. Forstchen ipad author touch eReader read

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Book description
The Union Army fights the hordes of Genghis Khan -- in space!!!!What makes this work of alternative history so terrific is that it presents the opposite perspective from Harry Turtledoves GUNS OF THE SOUTH. Instead of using time travel to palliate or gloss over the darker side of the Confederacy, this book uses the same science fiction techniques to radically dramatize the nature of democracy and the truly revolutionary ideals of the Union army. Forstchen begins the story with a premise based on the Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devils Triangle. Late in the Civil War, with northern victory almost assured, a steamship full of Union soldiers and supplies is caught in a terrible hurricane off the Carolina coast. Instead of sinking to the bottom, however, the Ogunquit passes through a wall of water and a corridor of light to reappear in a strange new world. On this far-off planet, the native beings are humanoids that are over eight feet tall. They ride on horseback and keep humans of all nationalities and races as slaves, sucking them in at regular intervals through the inter-dimensional portal. The brutal, barbarous alien hordes not only enslave humans, they eat them as well!Can Colonel Keene and his Maine regiment liberate the medieval Russian serfs who have grown resigned to their role as human Cattle. The drama is more than one of military preparation and epic battle scenes. Throughout the book, Keene and his officers have to explain both the theory and the practice of democracy. The full meaning and implication of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Declaration of Independence are fully explored. This is a great novel because it goes beyond science fiction to explore the weapons, tactics, and strategies of Civil War soldiers in meticulous detail. It also describes the nature of the American political process itself, contrasting it with the growth of serfdom in Russia. I would recommend RALLY CRY to all science fiction fans and all students of American history and military science.
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