LINK Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara Klipper eng access direct link portable download

LINK Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara Klipper eng access direct link portable download

LINK Programming for Children and Teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Barbara Klipper eng access direct link portable download

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Book description

Book description
Those who understand the unique sensitivities of young people with autism spectrum disorder, now the second most commonly diagnosed serious developmental disability, know that ordinary library programming guides are not up to the task of effectively serving these library users. Klipper has presented at conferences and trained librarians from around the country in autism awareness, and the grant-funded Sensory Storytime programming she developed at The Ferguson Library in Stamford, Connecticut is a model for reaching children and teens with autism spectrum disorder. Her complete programming guide, ideal for audiences ranging from preschool through school-age children, teens, and families, Provides background information on the disorder to help librarians understand how to program for this special audience Features step-by-step programs from librarians across the country, adaptable for both public and school library settings Suggests methods for securing funding and establishing partnerships with community organizations Includes a glossary and list of additional resources that will prove valuable to librarians and parents/caregivers alike
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