LINK Pre- And Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians by Carol Smallwood (Editor) book text online view format

LINK Pre- And Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians by Carol Smallwood (Editor) book text online view format

LINK Pre- And Post-Retirement Tips for Librarians by Carol Smallwood (Editor) book text online view format

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Book description
Retirement holds many questions for librarians. Smallwoods volume offers insight, inspiration, and tips for those already retired as well as those thinking about retiring. A raft of veteran librarians, financial advisors, and other experts address * Planning for retirement, and how to leave things in good shape for those continuing your work * The pros and cons of taking early retirement, including financial considerations * How to stay connected to the profession after leaving the job by engaging in part-time work and through professional-related activities * Second careers, community volunteering, travel, staying healthy, budgeting, and other post-retirement activities and concerns This book helps librarians navigate a smooth passage into retirement.
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