LINK Pop Art by Tilman Osterwold book epub online

LINK Pop Art by Tilman Osterwold book epub online

LINK Pop Art by Tilman Osterwold book epub online

> READ BOOK > Pop Art



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Book description
TASCHENs 25th anniversary ? Special edition! Large-format hardcover edition at a special bestseller price ?Everything is beautiful, ? raved Andy Warhol, in raptures at the glamour of modern life, consumer society, and the world of the media and its stars; his proclamation can be considered the maxim of the pop generation, which included artists Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenberg, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Tom Wesselmann, and Richard Hamilton, among others. The pop artists of the 1960s had a profound effect on the cloth of art history and their influence can be clearly seen in art today. Here, Tilman Osterwald explores the styles, themes, and sources of pop art around the world.
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